Block Time Financial software harnesses and deploys Blockchain  Technologies to give your firm the competitive edge as disruption occurs in the financial markets.

At Block Time Financial, we Private Label our digital software for you to use with our API’s to take new market share, and offer new products to your client base.

Block Time Financial utilizes the open-source Stellar Network which insures, instant – payments – asset transfers in seconds across the globe.

Block Time Financial believes that we will have Central Bank Digital Currencies across the world soon, and our software prepares you for the future of digital banking for your firm.

With the Stellar Network, you can now Tokenize real-world assets, put them on the network and trade them on the Stellar Decentralized Exchange or DEX today similar to stocks, bonds, or real estate with very low friction cost.

Blockchain technology represents a fundamentally new way to transact business for your firm.

Our team of accomplished financial professionals is dedicated to delivering new digital banking experiences, driving your cost lower, and improving your returns, on a secure immutable ledger that is fully compliant with audit trails for regulators.

We strive to build strong partnerships with financial institutions to help you navigate this new technology.

Meet the Team

Bruce Rosenheimer

Managing Partner Business Development

Bruce is an accomplished Wall Street Veteran with over 35 years of history and perspective on markets. Bruce has lead some of the most successful Capital Market Teams on Wall Street. Prior to Co-founding Block Time Financial, Bruce worked on the Capital Markets Teams at Salomon Brothers, Citi and JPM. Bruce has worked with the most distinguished Mutual Fund organizations, Hedge Funds, Insurance Companies Family Ofc’s and Pension Plans in both Canada and the US.

While on the Capital Markets team at these Institutions Bruce helped hundreds of firms raise billions of dollars of capital for IPO’s or Secondary stock offerings. Bruce has traveled the world with and for clients looking for opportunities to deploy capital in new markets and undervalued markets around the world.

In his free time, Bruce is a fierce competitor on the Scow sailing circuit around the US and an avid cross country ski racer.

Lou Morgan

Head of Technology

Lou has spent over thirty years in the financial trading industry. He was a member of the CME Group for 30 years, held trading permits on numerous electronic exchanges and was one of the largest market makers in the world for Single Stock Futures. He specialized in low-latency trading, writing much of the custom software. Lou shares Bruce’s vision that the blockchain/DLT technology has the power to be very disruptive in a good way to the financial industry. He has a B.S. in Computer Science from the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

He spends his spare time skiing, fighting fires, running EMS calls, sailing Scows and cruising in remote places with his wife and three girls.

Ted Rolfs

Chief Operating Officer and General Counsel.

Ted graduated from The University of Notre Dame in 1986 with an BS in Electrical Engineering and in 1990 with a combined JD and MBA (finance). After two years at Arthur Andersen Ted started a private equity firm, Red Top Capital LLC, in 1993 with three partners. Red Top Capital LLC has invested in over 15 different manufacturing companies and start up ventures. Ted has served as General Counsel and Board member for all Red Top Capital LLC portfolio companies. In addition to his responsibilities to Red Top Capital LLC, Ted has established a sole practitioner law office specializing in business law and criminal defense. Outside of work, Ted volunteers with the Inland Lakes Yachting Association, the National Ski Patrol, the Nature Conservancy, and the Notre Dame Law School Advisory Counsel.

Will Becker

Multimedia Design and Social Media

Mitchell Bringe


Advisory Board

Jon Bruss

Jon C. Bruss is the founder, director, CEO and Managing Principal of Fortress Partners Capital Management, Ltd.

Elliot Berman

Elliot is the Principal of BOWTIE ADVISORS, a trusted advisor focused on formulating and implementing solutions to drive successful results for privately-owned businesses and non-profit organizations.

John C. Lyons, Jr.

Senior advisor to a global banking consulting firm, formerly office of the Comptroller of Currency (OCC). Chief National Bank Examiner.

Ian Ainsworth

Currently an active angel investor and General Partner in Extreme Venture Partners, one of Canada’s most successful seed investor partnerships.

Let’s Get Started

Block Time Financial
737 Main Street
Delafield WI, 53018
